Today was the 5th Sunday of the month and in our church that
means there is a big meeting of the whole ward in the last hour. Today we
talked about New Year Resolutions. Many people touched on things that I would
like to improve about myself but I know if I tried to commit to them all I
would end up feeling overwhelmed. This year will be a small list because I really want to focus on these specific things. Here are the few that I decided to
commit myself to:
Lose 13 pounds.
Everyone has got to have the standard lose weight
resolution. I make this one every year (well, more like I commit to work
out more frequently to stay toned…I’ve never really been over weight.) But
because I had a baby, I’m a bit pudgier then I would like. I was doing so well
when the weather was warm by going on walks every day. I had finally got down
to 120 and only had 7 more pounds to go before I reached my pre-pregnancy
weight. However, I went to New Hampshire where I stayed for 17 days (7 of those
days were an extended time due to a family death.) I had a lot of my mom’s good
cooking and my dad and step-mom spoiled me with some of my absolute favorite
foods. And of course I had to indulge in some of my favorite New England restaurants
aka any Chinese food, Dimitri’s Pizza, and Panera Bread (I am aware Panera is outside of New England, there are none in Utah.) It was so wonderfully
delicious but I’m paying for it now. I gained 5 pounds! Blah! I have since lost 2 pounds. I’m
basically where I started--so frustrating. This year I am a bit more motivated
and am really going to put in effort to lose this flub!
Write in my journal once a week.
There was one small period of time where I was good at doing
this daily. I ended up with nearly 3 whole months of entries but then I met my
husband…and got a bit distracted to say the least.
Anyway, it’s important to me that Penelope know me and who I am, especially that she learn more about me when I'm gone from this Earth. I also
want her to know about herself when she was a baby since I will obviously
write about her. It is also, for me, very relaxing to write out my feelings,
especially when I feel stressed about a particular situation. I really want to
get back in the habit of doing this. I’ve committed to this far too many times
and failed so I figured I needed to set my goals reasonably. I can do once a week.
Keep a gratitude journal.
I actually stole this idea from a friend (thanks
Olivia!) But more specifically it is a gratitude
journal for Jesse. He will also be keeping one for me. Basically, every day you
write one thing about your spouse that you are grateful he did or does for you.
I love that it allows an opportunity to think daily upon why your spouse is the
bomb diggity. But on a serious note, I think it will make my relationship with
my spouse even closer.
Read the Book of Mormon from beginning to Helaman.
Again, setting my goals lower in hopes of actually following
through this year. I would like to read the Book of Mormon all the way through
again since it’s been a while, but Jesse and I always start and then somehow
start reading random chapters and topics again. This year if I can just make it
to Helaman so the next year I can read from Helaman to the end I would be
pretty proud of myself.
Put myself out there more.
I’ve gotten in to the habit of keeping my thoughts to myself
these last few years. Too often I have great thoughts or ideas or want to help
in some way but then chicken out and do nothing. Here are a few examples:
Having an idea in Relief Society and not saying it. Wanting to bare my testimony
in testimony meeting but decide not to. Sitting by myself or people I know well instead of
sitting down next to someone I don’t know and getting to know them. Seeing an
old lady walking with a walker down the street and not offering her a ride (for
some reason I am really kicking myself in the butt for not acting on that last
one.) Do you get what I’m saying? Maybe this needs to be revised to “acting on
promptings more.” I always feel better about myself when I put myself out there--even
if it means being vulnerable.
Be the kind of person I want my daughter to be.
I usually avoid vague resolutions because it makes resolutions
harder to finish. However, this year I have this one. I thought it was
important to add to my list even though it won’t be accomplished by the end of
the year (hopefully ever.) Someone said this in church today and it really got
me to thinking that there is always more I can be doing to be a better example
to my daughter. I don’t know exactly what I need to do to be better at this but
I know that I will know the things I need to do better as they come along.
I thought if I wrote my resolutions down for everyone to see
that maybe I’ll actually finish them for once. For those who know me personally
or know me well hold me accountable!
What are your New Year Resolutions for 2014?
Love it and love you!