Friday, November 9, 2012

Hey guys!

So I made some change to our blog. Hope you like it!

So I saw one of my friends write about their dreams/goals and it made me think of some of the things we'd like to do before we pass on to the next life. So here it is!:

Bucket List:
-Live in Australia for a short period of time
-Travel the world! (Specifically Italy and Spain)
-Be fluent in another language
-Have children
-Own a home (If we stay in Utah, Heber City. Outside of Utah: Tennessee)
-Go on a mission
-Okay so this next one is just mine (Toni): I really want to be on jury duty. I know people dread it but I would love it so much!!!
-Finish College
-Master the art of deviled eggs (This is more of an inside joke between the two of us...we want to make the most perfect deviled eggs ever!)
-Own a Wallaby (this seems silly to some people...but I'm serious. We really are going to own one one day lol)
-Actually complete a project we've started (there are so many lol)
-Swim with dolphins!
-Run a marathon
-Have a really cool and intense collections of board games (I blame the Drysdales for this desire!)
-Visit every temple in the world
-See the Northern Lights
-Plant a tree and watch it grow
-Build a house
-Learn a new skill
-Visit a volcano
-Start a charity
-Ride a camel
-Acquire patience
-Adopt a child
-Take a cooking class
-Go to a Packers v. Patriots game
-Aaaaaaaand a Jazz v. Celtics game
-Ride in a hot air balloon

And so, so, many more (which we are unable to think of right now lol).

Yep, so there you have it folks! Some of these will hopefully be accomplished sooner than later. We hope to be able to keep you all updated on the changes in our lives.

Until next time :) ...

-Jesse & Toni

1 comment:

  1. Toni I remember when we were yonger we were walking to dunkin donuts and u told me you wanted a walaby. Its so funny to see you talk about it still
