Naturally, we're ecstatic that we'll have one of each! We both went into the ultrasound feeling certain it was a girl so when the ultrasound tech told us we were having a boy we were shocked; I asked the tech to check again two more times just to be sure. We got some very obvious pictures... but for days after I would have to randomly say that we were having a boy out loud to help me comprehend it. In fact, I think today is the first day where I have truly accepted that we are having a son!
The only downside is (not a major one though) is that we already had a girl name picked and don't have a boy name that we absolutely love yet. We've still got 19 weeks left, so there is still time, but I'm a planner and can't really stand feeling so undecided. With our daughter, we already had a name picked from way before we were pregnant, so this is the first time we've gone into this without a decision made. As of now, we have three names we really like (apart of the list below but we're not going to say which ones) and the rest are somewhat backups. We'd like to have a little bit bigger of a list so we're asking you guys for some new suggestions. Hopefully what you see here will help you guys understand the types of names we like.
Here is some more of our criteria in order to give you an idea of what we might like:
- We like unique but not weird. It can be something that we may have heard before but not super frequently.
- It can't be in the top 100 names. Refer here so you can know what we won't consider:
- It needs to sound nice with our last name (which is harder than I thought would be)!
Boy Names: (List from previous post a few months ago. The names crossed off are ones we are no longer considering.)
Arie (pronounced R-ee)
Looking through old pictures and wondering how much this little guy might look like his sister... |
How about Marcel?