The other day I ran across this blog called The Freckled Fox, maybe you've heard of her but basically she is kind of like a super mom. She has 5 kids under 5 and somehow manages to cook, clean, play, and have a successful blog (aka provides income). It really got me thinking about my priorities and how not too long ago I was feeling like most days I was accomplishing the same (except with one kid so not nearly as impressive). But ever since this second pregnancy there has been too much lying around, too much TV watching, the house is in a constant state of disarray, and all of our sleep schedules are entirely messed up. Jesse has been a trooper through all of this and has even picked up were I've slacked but we can't keep living like this forever or I think I might go crazy. I haven't been too hard on myself since growing a human is pretty exhausting and I'm almost always feeling sick, but it made me realize that there was a lot more I could of been doing even before this pregnancy and the best way to do everything that I wanted was to get my priorities straight and figure out a system that works for our family. I really don't want these bad habits to become our norm.
Emily, over at The Freckled Fox said the way she was able to do it all was by scheduling. We have a basic system over here at the Justet's but it made me realize that what I really needed to do was schedule out my time in detail. Of course, it's not like we need to follow the schedule exactly everyday, we'll make room for exceptions, but I really want to try this out and see if it helps me use my time more efficiently.
Weekday Schedule:
8:30am: Shower.
9:00: PJ wake up time.
9:05: Prayer & diaper change
9:10: Breakfast
9:45: PJ dressed
9:45-10:45: TV/Movie (this will really work right now since the morning sickness is the toughest for me in the mornings)
10:50: Mommy & PJ play time
11:30: PJ alone play
11:30: 1st chore
12:00pm: Mommy & PJ teaching time
12:20: Lunch
12:50: Books/Diaper change
1:00: PJ nap time
1-2:30: Me time
2:30: Get dressed & get put together
3:00: Mommy & PJ play time
3:30: PJ alone play
3:30: 2nd chore
4:00 Books
4:15: Arts & Crafts
4:40 Get ready to get outside/Diaper change
5:00: Outside play
5:30: Daddy is home! Together play
6:00: Toy clean up--left over time TV
6:00: Make dinner (which is Jesse's job until smells don't bother me as much)
6:30: Dinner
7:15: PJ Bath
7:40: PJ get's in her PJs/Ready to get outside
7:50: Family Walk
8:20: Family scriptures/Family Prayer/Books
9:00: PJ Bed time
9:00: Speed Clean
9:15: Work out
9:45: Relax/Spend time with Jesse
11:00 BED. :)
Has anyone else tried this and has it work for them or am I setting myself for feeling overwhelmed?
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